Letter Services

Resume Writing

Crafting a compelling resume is the first step to landing your dream job.

$50 US

Job Application Submission

Navigating the job market can be daunting, especially when aiming to apply for a high volume of positions.

$100 US

Letter of Explanation for Study Visa and Permit

Securing a study visa and permit is a crucial step for international students.

$250 US

Statement of Interest for University

Statement of Interest can set you apart from other applicants.

$100 US

Motivation Letter

For applying for a job, a scholarship, or a special program.

$150 US

Custom One-Page Letters

For any other one-page letter needs, whether personal or professional, we’ve got you covered.

$100 US

Review your application

Canadian Visa Do it yourself packages

$250 US

Settlement Services

Settlement Services

Utilize Settlement Agencies

$150 US

Health Insurance

Consider Private Insurance

$200 US

Financial Services

Open a Bank Account, Apply for a Credit Card

$100 US
